Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Twilight Movie Review

I'd like to take this time to review Twilight... Oh boy! Was really looking forward to this movie review... Okay, so.. I should start with the fact that this is a movie based off of a book. It had potential, but Catherine Hardwicke did not take it to it's true full potential. She neglected some key moments from the book and that made fans upset. This was also a film that had a couple of upcoming actors. Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed all have bright futures and before Twilight, no one would have known who these fine young actors were. Each, if I can say this without sounding like a fan (which I am not), gave a good performance. Those four actors were phenomenal supporting cast. Which brings me to the main three roles of Bella, Edward, and Jacob... The roles cast were below par. Kristen Stewart is "plain," as Bella is supposed to be percieved, but Stewart made Bella seem to boring and she gave no emotion. She could have done better or they should have cast someone else, someone that could give emotion. Robert Pattinson, granted I don't like the guy, he had a solid performance as Edward Cullen, the mysterious vampire boyfriend of Bella's. He has an established reputation as an actor in the UK, but this was different, out of his element, so to say. He handled the pressure and the fangirls well. Taylor Lautner, on the other hand, had a couple of roles under his belt before Twilight. His character, Jacob Black, was too dry for my taste. He left too much to be desired, in my opinion. Hardwicke could have and should have taken a different direction with his character. Overall, the movie left an odd taste in my mouth. Something about Stephanie Meyer, maybe if her vampires didn't sparkle in the sun, it would be different. I give Twilight a ** out of ****. Thank you for your time.

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