Wednesday, March 27, 2013

21 and Over Movie Review

I'll be reviewing 21 and Over, a film that had seen in it's opening weekend. Justin Chon plays college student Jeff Chang, the person you expect the movie to revolve around (since it is his twenty first birthday), but it revolves around his high school buddies, Miller and Casey, played by Miles Teller and Skyler Astin, respectively. The latter two take Jeff Chang out for his 21st birthday, which just so happens to be the night before a big medical school interview. Jeff Chang winds up getting totally smashed and if you've seen The Hangover, you'd know what ends up happening. The three main characters are young upstarts that have bright futures ahead of them. 21 and Over is not a movie you should take your young kids to see, as it has a numerous instances of adult language, and a couple of extreme cases of other adult themes. Aside from the major adult themes, 21 and Over has a sort of love story between Casey and Nicole, played by the beautiful and talented Sarah Wright. Without giving any spoilers, let me just say that fate gives them numerous chances to be together, but one of the two does NOT pick up on them. I give 21 and Over a ** 1/2 stars out of ****. I recommend seeing this with your adult buddies, just not your little kids.

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